Mittwoch, 21. Februar 2024

Dis/Identfication at Kunsthalle Mainz



8th of March – 16th of June 2024

Thursday, 7th of March 2024, 19:00

Curated by Yasmin Afschar

Images and (hi)stories of queer life both today and in the past are at the heart of Philipp Gufler’s artistic oeuvre. Key persons in history, developments and incisive events from different periods all enter into dialog and tell an intersectional queer story. Gufler comes across his source material in historical archives, newspapers, radio and TV, and his reference points originate in literature and the aesthetic practices of the LGBTQIA+ movements, in queer theory, and in Pop culture. Gufler reflects on these in film essays, but also in performances and pictorial objects, in paintings on mirrors or silkscreened fabrics (the quilts as he calls them today feature 53 different textiles and are dedicated to queer people, movements, and places).

In his largest solo exhibition to date, starting with a new video installation entitled The Beginning of Identification, and its End​. Gufler offers a survey of his creative output of recent years. It does not just tell us the “hi/stories of heroes”. Gufler's approach always leaves scope for the dark sides and the controversies. The focus is on identification but also on “disidentification” and thus on the limits of queer categories of identification. 

The exhibition will be accompanied by Philipp Gufler’s first monograph, including texts by Karolina Kühn, Louwrien Wijers and Yasmin Afschar. 


Fade into You - film program on oral-history-practices with Philipp Gufler
Wednesday, April 10, 7 pm at Kunsthalle Mainz

Film program on AIDS & activism with Philipp Gufler, Marc Siegel and Sarah Horn
Thursday, May 2, 7 pm at Medienhaus (Wallstrasse 11, Mainz)

Finissage: Artist talk & book-launch
Sunday, June 16, 3 pm at Kunsthalle Mainz

Kunsthalle Mainz
Am Zollhafen 3–5
55118 Mainz

Opening times
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 10 am–6 pm
Wednesday 10 am–9 pm
Saturday, Sunday 11 am–6 pm

Installation view Philipp Gufler: Dis/Identification, Kunsthalle Mainz, 2024. Photo: Norbert Miguletz

Dienstag, 20. Februar 2024


Quilt #52 (Charlotte Charlaque), 2023


16.3. – 11.8.2024

This spring, DAS MINSK Kunsthaus in Potsdam will present the group exhibition Soft Power, which positions textile design as an artistic means of expression that can be employed to question power relations. The exhibition addresses various aspects of textile art in three chapters.

The chapter “Invisible Hands” focuses on the production conditions of textiles and their raw materials, including the history of the Leipzig-Lindenau cotton mill and VEB Vowetex in Plauen, among other examples. “Disrupting Patterns” is the title of the second chapter. Textile patterns are often based on the repetition of graphic structures, which typically originate from long traditions and can convey information about power hierarchies or status. The works presented in this chapter of the exhibition question existing patterns and relationships. The chapter “Ancestral Threads” traces the lines that connect us to the past. Just as individual threads can combine to form fabrics and larger networks, the historical and contemporary works in this chapter refer to past traditions that continue to have an effect today.


Soft Power shows works by Magdalena Abakanowicz, Caroline Achaintre, Wilder Alison, Leonor Antunes, Ouassila Arras, Rufina Bazlova, Mariana Chkonia, Toni Ebel, Gee’s Bend Quiltmakers (Ella Mae Irby, Candis Mosely Pettway, Qunnie Pettway), Philipp Gufler, William Kentridge, Maria Lai, Joanna Louca, Rosemary Mayer, Małgorzata Mirga-Tas, Sandra Mujinga, Gulnur Mukazhanova, Ramona Schacht, Gabriele Stötzer, Sung Tieu, Johanna Unzueta, Hamid Zénati, and others.

The exhibition is curated by Daniel Milnes.


Montag, 19. Februar 2024

COEXIST. Stipendiat:innen 2023 der Artist Residency Schloss Balmoral im Mittelrhein Museum

9.3. – 28.4.2024

Eröffnung der Ausstellung im Mittelrhein Museum
Freitag, 8. März 2024 um 19 Uhr

Film & Talk mit Philipp Gufler und Katharina Fink
Dienstag, 9. April 2024 um 18 Uhr
Gespräch mit Albert Knoll, 2023, 25 min.
Lana Kaiser, 2020, 13 min. 

Mit dem Jahresthema »Coexist« beleuchtete die Artist Residency Schloss Balmoral gemeinsam mit ihren 16 Stipendiat:innen, wo die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen künstlerischen Handelns verlaufen. Im Fokus standen hierbei sowohl ästhetisch-künstlerische als auch gesellschaftliche Fragestellungen. Vermeintlich feststehende Kategorien wurden ästhetisch hinterfragt und die Zwischenräume zwischen unterschiedlichen Polen, Bestehendem und Neuem, Dominanz und Unterlegenheit, dem Eigenen und dem Anderen, erforscht. Auch, welche Rolle Verletzbarkeit, Dissens und Empathie im künstlerischen Schaffensprozess spielen können. »Coexist« stellt die Zwischenräume in den Fokus der Kunst. Es fragt danach, was eine Gesellschaft zusammenhält und welche Rolle die Kunst dabei spielen kann.

Teilnehmende Künstler:innen: Gin Bahc, Alexandre Bavard, Tobias Becker, Nino Bulling, Johanna Ehmke, Dorothea Gillert-Marien, Nathalia Grotenhuis, Anne-Louise Hoffmann, Alexander Janz, Jungho Jung, leo, Markues, Benja Riegenroth, Marcello Spada, Jonas Weber Herrera, Julia Wenz-Delaminsky

Mittelrhein Museum Koblenz
Zentralplatz 1
56068 Koblenz

Montag geschlossen,
Dienstag bis Sonntag
10 Uhr bis 18 Uhr

Donnerstag, 1. Februar 2024

Film screenings of "Conversation with Albert Knoll"

Gespräch mit Albert Knoll

by Philipp Gufler

2023, 25 min.
Camera: Leo van Kann
Production: Forum Queeres Archiv München e.V.
Edit: Philipp Gufler
Translation: Nicholas Maniu

For some time now I wanted to shoot a short film about Albert Knoll's tireless self-organized historical work and ask him why he has dedicated a large part of his life to commemorating the crimes against humanity committed during the Nazi dictatorship and what this archival work has done to him. A special focus is on oral history, as I am interested in how, as a conversational partner, one preserves their knowledge and experiences in a certain way after the death of the contemporary witnesses. After Albert Knoll has done so many contemporary witness interviews the last thirty years and was the one who asked the questions, I reversed the situation in the short film and interviewed him.

Film screenings:


Napoli, Italy
11. – 16.12.2023

More Information


Perth Queer Film Festival

Perth, Australia
6. – 14.3.2024


Divine Queer Film Festival

Torino, Italy
17. - 19.5.2024



Mittelrhein Museum, Koblenz, Germany


Finissage Confessing Weakness

International Summer Academy Salzburg, Kunst im Traklhaus, Salzburg (AT)

Saturday, 31.8.2024, 12:30


Tlön Projects: On Screen

Filmtheater De Uitkijk, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Friday, 6 December, 21:00
